Friends v People

  I saw this quote on pinterest and it stopped me right there and I thought how many? How many places do I go or have I lived that I walk by, I don't smile, I rush through a strore, I put my head down so I don't make eye contact. I am guilty of all of these. I hate that. The world is full of hate, but its also FULL OF LOVE. People have stories, they have hearts, even those who aren't as nice as we want them to be. This has made me realize that I want to live more like Jesus, more LOVE. I want to notice and care about others. I have read the quote everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle, and its true. Battles are different, loses are different. People handle things differently. Its a slow and humbling process to realize that you need people and those people wether they show it or not are just as broken as you are.

Ive always treasured being a nurse because I think God called me at a young age to serve others, but my service to others doesn't have to be within the hospital walls. It could be on my trip to Walmart….. I've got a lot of work to do. 
I have loved everywhere I have lived with that said it always took period of adjustment time A time to realize that God is leading your life and you are here for a reason. I met some incredible people who have loved me when I am weak and helped me when I needed it. They have talked, loved and supported me. I couldn't ask for more. Our life is adventurous because of the people we have met. They make this world amazing and I am thankful for the piece of their heart they have given me. That risk was designed by God for us. 
With our move coming quickly, I have met a lot of really sweet incredible people in the past few weeks. As we talk I always say, well I am moving in a few weeks. Like see ya we can't be friends. I quickly realized that I shouldn't say that. I need that person that day and they needed me . The future didn't matter at that point. LIVE FOR TODAY. Lesson learned. 


We won our kickball championship last night. We had so much fun and we were blessed with some really fun, sweet, encouraging team mates. Their friendship will always be treasured. Kickball was a huge blessing to us. 

Greek Chicken:

1/2 c soy sauce
2 c olive oil
1 1/2 c lemon juice
2 tsp pepper
2 TB greek seasoning

Mix and pour into a bag of individual frozen chicken breasts. Marinate 6 hours or overnight. Pour all in a 9 x 13 pan.

Bake at 350 for 45 min. Serve over rice. 
Easy and Yummy.

All my love, 


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