Hi! I hope you all of you are doing well! I ll first tell you about the kittens. They are getting so big! The still try to fit and all sleep together in one rocking chair!
Ok so Miss tallie mae is a mess. Her new thing is to sit at the front or back door and meow over and over. She wants in the house. I'm already like let her in. I think Michael is about there.It is so sad. She knows what shes doing. Its hilarious. She also is the sweetest. She follows you around everywhere. She is too precious. This her at the front door.
The cats are going to be spaded and neutered on the 30th so I hope that goes well.
Blane turned 21!! Can you believe it? We went home and went to his bonfire party. Michael and Jeff made a great bonfire then we cleaned up dads yard that night and burnt some more stuff. We had a good time. Michaels parents came over too.
Blane blowing out his candles!
Time flies when you are having fun! We have been busy as usual! I love this time of year! Dad celebrated a birthday this past week too! Happy Birthday Dad!! I am looking forward to the holiday season! Michael and I are going to Knoxville this weekend for the Tenn v Alabama game. All I have to say is War Eagle!!
Michael's mom is doing well. We found some research on fish oil and nerve regeneration so she is now taking fish oil. She felt a sensation on the paralysis side on Sat. so that's a good sign. She had her MRI and she meets with the doctor on Wed. to discuss further plans. Please pray for god to show her what path to recovery she should take and the next steps. She might have some options she will have to chose from. God is so good . If we continue to rely on him we can conquer the storm.
Thank you Lord!
love to all of you!
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