Tallie laying by the creek. She is taking a couple more risks than she used too!
Uno aka "wild child" Showed us that she likes beer, she must have learned it from bearpaw :) while he bathed her when she was a baby. She watched this can bobble in the creek and float down the creek. That is her below watching the can. Unfortunately, i couldn't get it in one picture

Max, the hunter

Our wild flowers, some of them survived the flood!

Michael's awesome fern and ivy garden! It's doing so well this year!

Our homemade Topsy turbies! I'm hoping we get some tomatoes out of them!

I planted rosemary, sage and cucumbers in some pots on the deck!

Uno and Michael playing golf. You can see her at the hole at the top and below she is zoomed in. She likes for him to put and she covers the hole! It's hilarious! She will come from downstairs when she hears the golf balls rolling around :)

Hope everyone is having a great summer! We are enjoying our new boat and the hot weather! May god bless all your summer days ahead!! love to all of you!!


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